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Great Reasons for Being Thankful This Season

Attitudes of Gratitude

November is the month of Thanksgiving; that time of the year when we gather with friends and family to ritually offer thanks and appreciation to individuals (current or past) who have brought some sort of blessing into our lives.

As a culture, we learn to say, ‘thank you’ at a very young age; but did you know that the phrase is far more than just a matter of good manners? Sharing the phrase ‘thank you’ should be a highlight of every day, every week, and every month; before and after November! Here’s why:

1. Soul Strengthener

Worries, self-consciousness, bitterness, envy; these are just a few of the weights and burdens that fall from your shoulders when you begin to practice gratitude. It may take a while before the habit sticks, but within a few weeks, exercising thankfulness will literally begin to rewire your brain!

2. Physical Healer

Did you know that holding grudges can cause serious health problems? On the flip-side, being thankful can do wonders for your health! Quite simply, gratitude chases away mental barriers such as stress, anxiety, bitterness, and worry that negatively affect our bodies. Thankfulness can also help you get a good night sleep, allowing your body to relax and rejuvenate.

3. Production Booster

When people focus on good things they tend to be more optimistic of the future; they set goals and work towards them with confidence, making thankful workers the best workers! But it goes even deeper; having an attitude of gratitude can not only boost your productivity, it can also be a great motivator to those around you as well!

4. Emotional Stabilizer

Emotional swings cause issues for many people. Focusing on what you’re thankful for can be a significant help when it comes to getting your mind off trivial negative things. It gives a person stability when to rise above fleeting moments of disappointment by holding on to a good memory, or a hope of the future. Studies have shown that individuals who tend to be grateful are far more likely to recover from traumatic (even severely traumatic) experiences than those who do not show gratitude.

5. Relationship Fortifier

We all feel the best when we’re appreciated, and we like to be around people who value us and express it often. When you play the role of the one being grateful for others, others will be drawn to you. Whether it is toward your parents, your friends, your spouse, or even strangers, voicing gratitude for who they are or what they’ve done is a sure way to strengthen your relationships.

Go Show Some Gratitude!

It’s hard to argue with all the evidence out there, and why argue about it anyway? Let’s just be thankful that we can improve the quality of life for ourselves and others in such a simple way. Read, set, get out there and start sharing ‘thank you’ – you’ll be happy that you did!

Planning a meeting during the holiday months? Contact us today to learn more about hosting your meetings at AMA Executive Conference Centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC.

5 Art Galleries In DC To Add To Your Bucket List

If you’re looking for interesting locations in Washington DC that will inspire and educate, then art galleries are an option well worth considering. In the DC area, just minutes from our AMA Executive Conference Center, there are a number of excellent options to choose from. DC is an area rich with galleries, museums, historical landmarks, and many other fine cultural establishments. With so much to see, you definitely wouldn’t want to miss any of the very best. Here are 5 art galleries in the DC area that fall into our ‘amazing destinations’ and experiences you don’t want to miss.

Located just steps from the White House, this gallery is superb for its excellent service and interactivity. Here, you’ll find pieces from around the world in relation to a variety of changing themes. At the Renwick Gallery, visitors explore unique craft objects by contemporary artists to learn about process, material and technique. Learn more here.

One of the shining stars of DC museums, this gallery with free entry has an extensive collection inside a vast expanse of gorgeous rooms to explore. One of the most popular and Instagrammed exhibits is the sparkling hallway that connects the east and west buildings.  The Gallery’s great reputation is undeniable – it’s a jewel on the mall and a true national treasure. Learn more here.

DC’s Hirshhorn Museum is undoubtedly among the top contemporary art spaces in the United States. Founded in the 1960s, the museum exhibits artworks by some of the modern and contemporary art world’s greatest masters, including Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse, Jackson Pollock, Francis Bacon, and Edward Hopper. If modern art is your inspiration you’ll want to put his visit top on your list. Learn more here.

The Smithsonian’s premier art gallery, these exhibits boast some amazing art pieces from nearly every place and time period on the planet. Billed as the museum where ‘Asia Meets America,’ the sheer size and diversity of work on display here means that you’re bound to discover more than a few worthwhile pieces. Learn more here.

For American historical value, this gallery delivers. Here you can find works of art for an assortment of important historical figures from the civil war, the suffrage and civil rights movements, and all the presidents too. Most recently, the installation of former President Barack Obama and Mrs. Michelle Obama’s portraits by artists Kehinde Wiley and Amy Sherald. Learn more here.

At AMA, we specialize in hosting and organizing executive meetings and conferences. We are experts at planning professional gatherings and have convenient facilities in four locations: Atlanta, New York City, Washington DC and San Francisco.  Visit us here to learn more, and see how we can help make your next meeting a success.

Surviving The Busy Holiday Season By Being Organized

As the holidays approach, so too do those end-of-the-year meetings and holiday events. But as much as it’s a celebratory period, it’s also a season where your time as a planner is limited.

We ask, what better time to get organized than in the Fall?! October offers a great time to focus on getting yourself organized before the hectic holiday season hits. The kids are back in school and Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away. Take some time now to get yourself organized before those invites start coming in for parties or before you find yourself the one in need of extra rentals for your event. Position yourself to leap into action from a much more prepared place, all because of a little organization.

Here are our top three helpful tips for getting better organized and ready for the busy holiday season:

Start With A List

In order to find a starting place, take some time and write out a list of the top five spots in your home and office that are most important to you to be organized. (Don’t forget that your car can be one of these!) From there, write out five actions you’ll take to make each spot more organized and efficient. This will not only provide you with a starting place but will also help you navigate your goals – making the mountain before you seem much more manageable.

Label, Label, Label

Some say there’s no better step to getting organized than having a labeling system. If you don’t know what something is, then what good is organizing it, right? There are many methods for doing this. Whichever method you choose make sure that your labels are easy to read and right to the point. For example, if you have a box of ornaments, don’t just slap the label “Christmas” on it. Take the extra time to label it “Christmas Tree Ornaments” so that you know not to open that box when you’re looking for the holiday lights.

Purge ‘Stuff’ For Peace Of Mind

Most people can stand to throw away a lot more of their ‘stuff’ than they typically do. Often, our houses and offices become downright smothered by stuff. The adage about a cluttered space causing a cluttered mind just might have some validity to it. When your home and work areas are in a recognizable order, your life becomes easier to navigate. This peace of mind allows you to focus on the important people and moments in your life. Simply set aside a day just to purge items. Buy a box of garbage bags and go room to room collecting all the things you do not need. You just might be surprised at how much you collect for donation and the dumpster – not to mention how freeing it is to purge and make space in your home, office, life and mind.

At the end of the day, becoming organized is sure to make you feel better. Take some time this week, as you may not have it later, and set yourself up for success and lots of celebrating this holiday event season.

At AMA Executive Conference Centers, we are passionate about helping event and meeting planners maximize their time and improve their work-life harmony. For more information about our executive meeting services and conference centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, contact us here.

From Buzzword to Priority Goal: We’re Tackling Productivity

While productivity is currently a popular buzzword, it’s also a goal many of us strive towards. Unfortunately, we don’t often know exactly how to achieve it. It’s a challenging concept to grasp because productivity is different for every role in every industry. It’s also hard to measure: some people work at a frantic pace but aren’t actually very productive, while others appear slow on the surface but make the most of their time.

If you’re as fascinated with this topic as we are then you’ll enjoy a few of our favorite TED Talks that will get you thinking about productivity and how to improve your own!

Too Many Rules Hamper Productivity

In this engaging talk, researcher Yves Morieux discusses how having too many rules and structures in the workplace can hold people back from being productive, and how important collaboration is to productivity.

Get More Sleep

Media mogul Arianna Huffington shares an obvious-sounding but often-ignored secret to productivity: get more sleep. This simple step toward better health and mental alertness can increase your productivity, yet people often brag about how little sleep they get.


In this entertaining lecture, psychologist Shawn Anchor emphasizes the importance of happiness on productivity. Rather than working hard and waiting for that to make you happy, he suggests finding happiness first to make it easier to work hard.

Respect Your Coworkers

Productivity doesn’t just come from within yourself. In most roles, you depend on coworkers and partners to make things happen. Leadership researcher Christine Porath discusses the importance of treating coworkers with respect so that both you and your company can succeed.

As a meeting or events professional, productivity is extremely important, but you can sometimes feel bogged down by the complex challenges of your work. Keep these inspiration talks in mind as you search for ways to unlock your own productivity, and you may just find yourself feeling smarter, happier, and more successful in your role!

Tricks & Treats: 5 Tips for Taking Your Meeting From Spooky To Spectacular

Just because meetings are a part of today’s business world doesn’t mean they have to be spooky. With a little pre-planning, you can take your next meeting from spooky to spectacular by following these 5 helpful tips:

Beware of the Clock

Meetings take a lot of time out of a person’s day. In fact, middle managers spend 35% of their time in meetings and upper management spend as much as 50% of their time in meetings. Conquer this meeting monster by having a clearly set agenda and by starting—and ending—on time.

Bring Participants Out of the Shadows

Statistics show that 1 in 5 people are prone to dozing in meetings. As more and more of us push ourselves while sleep-deprived, sitting through a meeting with a speaker is a recipe for a nap. Engage participants by adding humor and activities. Be sure to have water, coffee, and tea along with healthy snacks. Participants will feel energized and they stand a better chance of remembering what they learned by actively participating rather than just showing up.

Be Alert to Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble

In order for meetings to be productive, it is important to stick to the agenda items. Participants who choose to try to use the time to complain or go off-topic not only prolong the meeting but frustrate other participants. Consider designating a “parking lot” for ideas and concerns to come back to in order to keep the meeting on task.

Sweet Success

Meetings don’t have to be monstrous—they are a great time to collect important team members and to discuss and plan for success. Celebrating recent victories and sharing good news is a sweet way to start—or end—a meeting.

Frightfully Good Follow-Up

You’ve invested time and effort to conduct a meeting with positive results. Following-up with participants regarding key action items and a short meeting synopsis keeps the momentum rolling and communication flowing.

If you’re planning your next meeting for Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, or Washington, D.C., consider the professional setting of AMA Executive Conference Centers. Make your next meeting spectacular! Contact us today for details on how our Centers are uniquely tailored for meetings and conference events. 

Big Ideas: Fascinating TED Talks About New York City

New York City is the most densely populated city in the United States, with approximately 20 million people squeezed into the 305 square miles of the New York Metro. The City is widely renowned for its diversity, its traffic congestion, and its fascinating history. The convergence of cultures and unique experience of living in close quarters with so many neighbors gives New York a unique feel that can’t be duplicated. We’re proud to have an AMA Executive Conference Center located in the heart of Times Square in New York City. Enjoy learning some fascinating insights into the Big Apple through a few of our favorite TED Talks:

“New York – Before The City”

Eric Sanderson, a landscape ecologist, provides a fascinating look at New York City through a map drawn during the American Revolution. With his keen understanding of the network of habitat relationships between species, Sanderson has digitized the map to create a block-by-block rendering of NYC as it was 400 years ago, complete with estimated Lenape tribe locations, lakes and streams, hills and gullies, and animal and plant species that flourished in the area. In his TED Talk, Sanderson elaborates on his “Mannahatta Project,” and creates a fascinating parallel between the density and interconnectedness of today’s Manhattan and the habitat as it existed prior to the arrival of European settlers.

“How We Found The Worst Place To Park In New York City – Using Big Data”

In this TED Talk, quantitative analyst and big data cruncher Ben Wellington uses numbers compiled from the New York State Department of Transportation to provide a fascinating overview of what it is like to live in New York City. Through his data analysis of waterway sanitation, taxi speeds, and even fire hydrant locations, Wellington draws a picture of day-to-day life in the City while making a case for the availability and use of big data for the good of the City.

“A Park Underneath The Hustle and Bustle of New York City”

Dan Barasch is the co-founder and executive director of the Lowline, a green space garden that he has conceptualized underneath the Lower East Side of New York City. A descendant of Italian immigrants, Barasch has always been fascinated with the early growth of New York City. The discovery of a former trolley terminal that operated from 1908 – 1948 under the Lower East Side was the catalyst for this project that has gleaned interest from thousands of NYC residents and scientists worldwide.

TED Talks on Success for Meeting and Event Professionals

Success can mean different things to different people. What remains the same is the desire for success as a meeting and event professional.  Let these three TED talks inspire and encourage you to greater heights in your profession!

Embrace The Near Win

Success is a journey. It does not happen overnight. What we can do is recognize the adventure for what it is and enjoy it. Sarah Lewis, an art historian and critic, explains how the almost failure and the near win can be just as important in our lives as the successes. This TED talk will inspire you to celebrate and embrace the near wins in your life.

The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding

Coach John Wooden led his team at UCLA to record wins in the world of basketball. He opens up in this TED talk about many things regarding winning, succeeding and the profound difference. Coach shares his father’s wisdom regarding success with us, as well as how he encouraged and inspired his players to monumental accomplishments. You’ll also enjoy the moments he quotes poetry. Coach John Wooden will deeply inspire you to embrace success, not just the win.

8 Secrets of Success

This power-packed,  three minute clip, brought to you by Richard St. John, will change your life forever. In under four minutes, Richard St. John an analyst and author, manages to explain in plain language (with humor) the 8 key points to success. He condensed his two hour, high school presentation down to a precise and power-filled slideshow. One that anyone, of any age and occupation, can implement immediately. This is a must-watch for everyone! He effectively breaks down the basic keys to success in life. They’re easy to follow, easy to understand and will change your outlook and aid in your success.

Success is desirable in all professions. These TED talks will encourage the event professional or meeting specialist to seek greater heights and bigger accomplishments. They will inspire you to learn, reflect and grow in your profession.

AMA Executive Conference Centers are focused on creating environments that will help your meeting and conference goals to be achieved. To learn more about our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, click here to contact us.

How to Make Effective Use Of Your Time

Time is the most precious resource we have, but too many distractions threaten to slow down progress and steal time. If you want to make the most effective use of your time, you’ll have to learn how to avoid distractions and maintain momentum.

Identify and Remove Distractions

Covey’s Time Management Grid is a four quadrant grid that divides the things that take up your time based on their urgency and importance.
Click here to view grid: https://www2.usgs.gov/humancapital/documents/TimeManagementGrid.pdf

  • Quadrant 1: Urgent and important (like an approaching deadline or family emergency.)
  • Quadrant 2: Not urgent but important (like a long-term professional or personal goal.)
  • Quadrant 3: Urgent but not important (favors or tasks other people want you to do urgently.)
  • Quadrant 4: Not urgent and not important (like watching television or browsing social media.)

It is ideal to remain in quadrant 2 as much as possible. The more Q3 and Q4 activities you can avoid, the less time you’ll spend scrambling in Q1. Remove unimportant distractions by:

Build and Maintain Your Momentum

One of the best ways to make the most of your time is to not procrastinate in the beginning waiting on perfect circumstances. According to Business Insider, it’s better to get working in the beginning, and worry about quality later. Once you get the ball rolling, it’s important to keep it rolling. A few things you can do to maintain your momentum are:

  • Keep your mind on the task at hand and worry about your long-term strategies later.
  • Split your project into smaller tasks to build momentum and progression.
  • Your mind can wander when you are tired, so be sure to start the day with your biggest tasks.

Keep It Simple

Making things simple is a great way to progress and keep your momentum going. AMA’s Executive Conference Centers have Centers in a variety of cities, and each with flexible meeting configurations uniquely tailored for training sessions, meetings, conferences and more. Click here to contact with us to learn more our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington D.C. and San Francisco.

Top 4 TED Talks on Collaboration for the Meeting & Event Professionals

There is strength in numbers. Amazing things happen when we work together and this is especially true with meeting and event professionals. The following TED Talks are some of the best conversations on the topic of collaboration – enjoy!

How to Manage for Collective Creativity

Linda Hill, the co-author of “Collective Genius” and a Harvard professor, discusses the tactics used by very successful companies in this TED talk on collaboration. She  opens up about her research into how these businesses tapped their own resources to benefit the most from collaboration and everyone’s input, not just the designated creative ones of the company.

What Happened When I Open-Sourced My Brain Cancer

This TED talk really spotlights the power of collaboration. When faced with a very difficult medical situation, Salvatore Iaconesi made the decision not to stand by and watch. He would not allow himself to be passive, but instead turned to the world and the power of people to overcome a dismal diagnosis.

The Case For Collaborative Consumption

A recognized expert and researcher of collaborative behaviors and trust-mechanics, Rachel Botsman explains that humans are wired to share. The way we live, work and play are changing. These once crazy ideas of sharing and collaborating are now gaining momentum. Enjoy watching Rachel’s TED talk on technology-enabled collaboration and their effect on us.

A Conservative’s Plea: Let’s Work Together

This TED talk discusses ways we can make a difference in a segregated world. It goes into detail on what each of us can do individually to make an impact together. Arthur Brooks breaks down the walls between liberals and conservatives. He shares his ideas that will stop the battle of the sides and usher in the collaboration. Arthur Brooks is the President of the American Enterprise Institute, and an active social scientist.

Meeting planners and professionals have the opportunity to work collaboratively each day. This includes working alongside other professionals as they are planning a big meeting or brainstorming with their own clients. These TED talks share incredible ideas on how to improve this partnership and how to tap this underrated resource. Remember: there is strength in numbers!

The Benefits of Hosting a Holiday Party for Your Company

From large to small, hosting a holiday party for your company has a number of incredible benefits. It doesn’t matter if you’re gearing up for an elaborate black tie event or planning to host an intimate gathering for your team, there are several important benefits to your holiday party.

You’ll Encourage a Sense of Community

Holiday parties are something that most of your employees look forward to. When you host a gathering around the holidays and end-of-year, you give them something to anticipate together as well as the opportunity to share memories at the event itself, which can in turn increase the sense of community throughout the office.

It’s a Great Time to Offer Recognition

Do you have employees who have gone above and beyond this year? Has a specific department accomplished more than you thought possible? Your holiday party is a great time to offer recognition to those individuals, which can in turn significantly increase the effort that they and others put out during the coming year. Your holiday party is also an excellent time to hand out awards or note any special promotions before the new year.

You’ll Increase Employee Morale

The end of the year is rough in many offices. You have deadlines that have to be met, coworkers who are taking off extra time for the holidays, and plenty of added stress on many of your employees’ shoulders. With your holiday party, you’ll get a great chance to boost morale, improve mood, and give everyone something to look forward to.

You Get to Show Off Your Office

Are you bringing in someone besides your employees for your holiday bash? From investors to spouses of employees, the holiday party is an amazing chance to show off the office and let everyone see exactly what your team is doing every day.

Ask us today about booking an AMA Executive Conference Center for your next meeting or conference in New York, Washington DC, Atlanta or San Francisco.