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Top Leadership TED Talks To Listen To During Your Work Commute

TED Talks have given professionals around the world the opportunity to ascertain knowledge from a wide variety of people, all of whom have “ideas worth spreading.” These talks are short, accessible, and offer great insight into a variety of topics, particularly for busy leaders looking to expand their skill set. Here are a few of our favorite leadership TED Talks that are perfect for morning and afternoon commutes!

How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek

In this talk, Sinek discusses the concept of his “Golden Circle” and how purposeful organizations are more successful, inclusive, and inspirational. One of the most well-known TED Talks, this is a great listen for meeting and event professionals, and leaders across all industries.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth

This short and enjoyable talk discusses the psychology of success. Specifically, the speaker emphasizes the importance of determination and work ethic – a great reminder for all of us.

The Surprising Ingredient That Makes Businesses Work Better by Marco Alvera

In this TED Talk Marco reminds us of one of the most overlooked aspects of a company’s culture that all leaders must prioritize.

How to Manage for Collective Creativity by Linda Hill

Hill’s talk focuses on the significance of collaboration in innovation, using a number of familiar examples to illustrate her point. This video is a particular favorite as it addresses the importance of collaboration. Collaboration is a critical enabler for leaders in the meeting and events industry, and we strive to encourage it amongst all business professionals.

Is your company looking for answers to collaborative meeting and conference venue needs? AMA Executive Conference Centers has answers. We’re conveniently located in four of the country’s major metropolitan areas, including: Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. Each of our Centers offers multiple setup configurations, packages, and amenities to meet unique meeting needs. Whether you need a location for your next board meeting, or you aspire to hold your own ‘TED’ style conference, we have the capability to assist you. Contact us now for more information – we look forward to helping you succeed at one of our facilities!

Making The Task of Decision-Making Easier

As soon as we’re old enough to understand what options are, we’re faced with the tasks of making decisions. Whether the decision is what flavor ice cream to pick or what major to choose in college, at any age decisions can seem like the most daunting exercise. Here are three education areas that can help you to make the task of decision-making easier:

#1: Make Hard Choices

Making decisions can be very difficult because we always want to make the “better” decision. Ruth Chang, a philosopher, shares in her TED Talk why there is no “better” option when making a decision. She goes on to explain why both choices are on a level playing fields and how this can help you choose what you truly want inside.

#2: Three Lessons on Decision-Making

Have you ever daydreamed about being the best poker player in the world? Turns out, decisions made by the best involve a lot more work than people-reading and bluffing. World Champion poker player Liv Boeree explains that there are 3 things she’s learned about decision-making. She states that the lessons include luck, quantification, and intuition – and these three factors can be used to make decisions in our daily life. Luck and intuition can play a major role in what outcome each decision brings, and quantification is crucial to estimating the odds of something good or bad happening.

#3: Think Like a Computer

Computers always know what to do and they have no understanding of how hard it can be to make a decision. That’s because computers were made to generate the best decision based on numbers and formulas. Humans don’t do that. Tom Griffiths, a psychologist and cognitive scientist, share in his TED Talk that the ways to make better decisions are by thinking like a computer.


Insightful TED Talks on Decision Making

We make decisions every day. From the clothes we put on in the morning to the side of the bed we crawl into at night, our days are fraught with decisions. Sometimes, making a choice can be simple, for example, choosing which shoes to wear, or whether to stop for gas on the way to work. Other decisions can be much more complex and daunting. The three TED Talks below offer some unique and refreshing ideas to help put your decision-making process into perspective!

Why We Ignore Obvious Problems – And How To Act On Them

Michele Wucker, an author and policy analyst is an expert on economic policy and crisis anticipation. In her TED Talk, she offers an eye-opening analysis that explores decision making and avoidance through the lens of the 2008 economic crisis. With her explanation of “Black Swan” versus “Gray Rhino” approaches to complex problems, Wucker offers incisive analysis of our very human fear of seemingly overwhelming problems, and suggests solutions through vulnerability, safety nets, and information sharing.

Three Ways To Make Better Decisions – By Thinking Like A Computer

Tom Griffiths is a computational cognitive scientist, so it is no surprise that he suggests we approach decision making by using the same process as a computer. In his TED Talk, Griffiths provides a breakdown of the “computer science of human decisions” for anything from choosing a restaurant for dinner to buying a house. The process, he says, still boils down to numbers. Using the computer science approach, Griffiths doesn’t guarantee that all decisions will be correct, but it does encourage us to take the chance of making the decision regardless, and to forgive ourselves for the inevitable wrong decision.

How Can Groups Make Good Decisions

In their TED Talk, Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely, experts in psychology, cognitive science, and behavior, explore the process of consensus and decision-making in large groups of people. Through a series of experiments, Sigman and Ariely discovered that group decisions concerning information and even moral decisions were more accurate and reflected a greater consensus when large groups of people were broken down into smaller discussion groups. They conclude that good group decisions require two things: deliberation and differing opinions.

Productive decision making is desirable in all professions. These TED talks will encourage the event professional or meeting specialist to seek greater heights and bigger accomplishments. They will inspire you to learn, reflect and grow in your profession.

AMA Executive Conference Centers are focused on creating environments that will help your meeting and conference goals to be achieved. To learn more about our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, click here to contact us.

Build A Better Team With These Interview Tips Shared By TED Talks

Compelling interviews are the best in exposing the strengths, weaknesses, and potential red flags of an interviewee. They are key before a company decides whether the interviewee is the best fit for them. No company or organization wants to stand behind hiring a person who is not competent, doesn’t understand what drives the company and is not in line with the competitive nature of the marketplace. Conducting a thorough interview will help you verify the skills of the interviewee which you have only seen on paper. These TED Talks will give you a clue on how to handle an interview, which is essential in the hiring process.

Expect the Unexpected: Itzia De Ros

Itzia, a Director of Admissions at IESE’s MBA program, she shares that you don’t know a candidate far beyond their application and their qualifications. She suggests by asking a candidate ‘Who are you?’ will give you a glimpse in who the candidate is beyond the papers. She goes ahead to claim that despite the job you are offering, you should get to know the person better because you are opening them up into your life. She also claims that if you take the interview from that point of view, you will be in a position to know whether that person is a fit to offer a place. Watch the full talk and get to understand that offering somebody an interview is opening them a door into your life.


Marc Pachter: The Art of the Interview

Marc Pachter, who has conducted interviews with some of the most significant people in American history, shares the secrets of a great interview. He explains how to effectively deduce whether candidates are likely to deliver or not. In his talk, he claims that a successful candidate needs to understand and clearly explain how the story turned out. He also adds that you need to host an empathetic interview and feel what the interviewee shares. He suggests that if we can only decide to put ourselves in the shoes of the interviewee, empathize with them and be ready to understand their story; then we will derive much more from them and get to know whether they are a great fit. Watch this talk in full and learn about the art of the interview and how to go about it.

At AMA Executive Conference Centers, we are passionate about helping event and meeting planners maximize their time and improve their careers and work-life harmony. For more information about our executive meeting services and conference centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, click here to connect with us.

From Buzzword to Priority Goal: We’re Tackling Productivity

While productivity is currently a popular buzzword, it’s also a goal many of us strive towards. Unfortunately, we don’t often know exactly how to achieve it. It’s a challenging concept to grasp because productivity is different for every role in every industry. It’s also hard to measure: some people work at a frantic pace but aren’t actually very productive, while others appear slow on the surface but make the most of their time.

If you’re as fascinated with this topic as we are then you’ll enjoy a few of our favorite TED Talks that will get you thinking about productivity and how to improve your own!

Too Many Rules Hamper Productivity

In this engaging talk, researcher Yves Morieux discusses how having too many rules and structures in the workplace can hold people back from being productive, and how important collaboration is to productivity.

Get More Sleep

Media mogul Arianna Huffington shares an obvious-sounding but often-ignored secret to productivity: get more sleep. This simple step toward better health and mental alertness can increase your productivity, yet people often brag about how little sleep they get.


In this entertaining lecture, psychologist Shawn Anchor emphasizes the importance of happiness on productivity. Rather than working hard and waiting for that to make you happy, he suggests finding happiness first to make it easier to work hard.

Respect Your Coworkers

Productivity doesn’t just come from within yourself. In most roles, you depend on coworkers and partners to make things happen. Leadership researcher Christine Porath discusses the importance of treating coworkers with respect so that both you and your company can succeed.

As a meeting or events professional, productivity is extremely important, but you can sometimes feel bogged down by the complex challenges of your work. Keep these inspiration talks in mind as you search for ways to unlock your own productivity, and you may just find yourself feeling smarter, happier, and more successful in your role!

TED Talks on Success for Meeting and Event Professionals

Success can mean different things to different people. What remains the same is the desire for success as a meeting and event professional.  Let these three TED talks inspire and encourage you to greater heights in your profession!

Embrace The Near Win

Success is a journey. It does not happen overnight. What we can do is recognize the adventure for what it is and enjoy it. Sarah Lewis, an art historian and critic, explains how the almost failure and the near win can be just as important in our lives as the successes. This TED talk will inspire you to celebrate and embrace the near wins in your life.

The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding

Coach John Wooden led his team at UCLA to record wins in the world of basketball. He opens up in this TED talk about many things regarding winning, succeeding and the profound difference. Coach shares his father’s wisdom regarding success with us, as well as how he encouraged and inspired his players to monumental accomplishments. You’ll also enjoy the moments he quotes poetry. Coach John Wooden will deeply inspire you to embrace success, not just the win.

8 Secrets of Success

This power-packed,  three minute clip, brought to you by Richard St. John, will change your life forever. In under four minutes, Richard St. John an analyst and author, manages to explain in plain language (with humor) the 8 key points to success. He condensed his two hour, high school presentation down to a precise and power-filled slideshow. One that anyone, of any age and occupation, can implement immediately. This is a must-watch for everyone! He effectively breaks down the basic keys to success in life. They’re easy to follow, easy to understand and will change your outlook and aid in your success.

Success is desirable in all professions. These TED talks will encourage the event professional or meeting specialist to seek greater heights and bigger accomplishments. They will inspire you to learn, reflect and grow in your profession.

AMA Executive Conference Centers are focused on creating environments that will help your meeting and conference goals to be achieved. To learn more about our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, click here to contact us.

Top 4 TED Talks on Collaboration for the Meeting & Event Professionals

There is strength in numbers. Amazing things happen when we work together and this is especially true with meeting and event professionals. The following TED Talks are some of the best conversations on the topic of collaboration – enjoy!

How to Manage for Collective Creativity

Linda Hill, the co-author of “Collective Genius” and a Harvard professor, discusses the tactics used by very successful companies in this TED talk on collaboration. She  opens up about her research into how these businesses tapped their own resources to benefit the most from collaboration and everyone’s input, not just the designated creative ones of the company.

What Happened When I Open-Sourced My Brain Cancer

This TED talk really spotlights the power of collaboration. When faced with a very difficult medical situation, Salvatore Iaconesi made the decision not to stand by and watch. He would not allow himself to be passive, but instead turned to the world and the power of people to overcome a dismal diagnosis.

The Case For Collaborative Consumption

A recognized expert and researcher of collaborative behaviors and trust-mechanics, Rachel Botsman explains that humans are wired to share. The way we live, work and play are changing. These once crazy ideas of sharing and collaborating are now gaining momentum. Enjoy watching Rachel’s TED talk on technology-enabled collaboration and their effect on us.

A Conservative’s Plea: Let’s Work Together

This TED talk discusses ways we can make a difference in a segregated world. It goes into detail on what each of us can do individually to make an impact together. Arthur Brooks breaks down the walls between liberals and conservatives. He shares his ideas that will stop the battle of the sides and usher in the collaboration. Arthur Brooks is the President of the American Enterprise Institute, and an active social scientist.

Meeting planners and professionals have the opportunity to work collaboratively each day. This includes working alongside other professionals as they are planning a big meeting or brainstorming with their own clients. These TED talks share incredible ideas on how to improve this partnership and how to tap this underrated resource. Remember: there is strength in numbers!

Four of the Top TED Talks About CrowdSourcing

When it comes to crowdsourcing, you probably want to know more. With how interactive the world is, what with the internet and other communication devices, crowdsourcing has become easier than ever. Crowdsourcing is one of the best ways to strengthen your mission, by pulling in new voices and ideas, by creating a space in which others can challenge your work and fortify it. But there’s a way to do it correctly, and there’s so much more that we can learn about it. In order to help meeting professionals better understand the concept and benefits, we’ve put together a few of the top TED Talks addressing the subject.

What Humans Can Learn From Semi-Intelligent Slime by Heather Barnett
Can we, as humans, learn from semi-intelligent slime mold? Heather Barnett speaks on the subject, inspired by the design and organization of the slime systems, to tell us how we can better communicate and create with others.

The Birth of Wikipedia by Jimmy Wales
With Wikipedia being considered a “godfather of crowdsourcing” it’s a perfect example of how to build a proper crowdsourced outcome from a common goal. While it sounds chaotic, Wikipedia works, and Wales explains just how that can be.

Open-Source Cancer Research by Jay Bradner
An example of crowdsourcing at its best, this Talk about a medical firm opening up its research among their peers shows just how much can be gained from accessing the crowd. Bradner speaks about the positives of having more sources to turn to, and more ideas that come from it, when using crowdsourcing in the medical field.

A Virtual Choir 2,000 Voices Strong by Eric Whitacre
A more musical example, Eric Whitacre performs a piece of music with a choir made up of 2,000 people that have never met each other, or even sung in the same room. Using media platforms as his crowdsourcing base, he creates a massive choral piece that sounds amazing, and makes a point on how connected the people of the world really are.

If you’re in need of a venue for your meetings, or would like a venue for your crowdsourced conferences, then AMA Executive Conference Centers is there for you. Please, feel free to contact us to inquire about our centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, and we will help you have the perfect space from which to expand your business.

Three Points Of View On Beating Boredom

Did you know that chronic boredom can negatively affect the quality of an individual’s work, interfere with their ability to manage anger, and make it difficult for them to function socially? In some cases, it can even lead to depression. Knowing the harm it can cause, it’s worth looking into ways to understand and cope with the feelings of boredom that most of us face during the typical workday. These three TED Talks, each with a respective point of view, will help you do just that:

Learn to Benefit from Boredom

In her lecture, How Boredom Can Lead To Your Most Brilliant Ideas, Manoush Zomorodi describes the importance of occasionally allowing your mind to drift from the task at hand. Zomorodi claims that by taking distraction-free pauses to let your conscious brain rest, you allow your mind to solve problems and produce creative thoughts. This TED Talk includes recent findings in neuroscience and cognitive psychology to support Zomorodi’s claim that letting yourself lose focus for a few minutes can be more effective than willing yourself through a mountain of tasks without a break.

How to Stay Focused

Amishi Jha’s TED Talk, How To Tame Your Wandering Mind, likens mental focus to physical exercise. Jha claims that by routinely practicing mindfulness, you can learn to keep your attention directed towards what you want to be doing. Essentially, by making an effort to be aware of your thought process, you can improve your ability to focus.

The Process of a Procrastinator

Providing an in-depth summary of his personal experiences with procrastination, Tim Urban’s Inside The Mind Of A Master Procrastinator humorously describes the typical cycle of putting off deadlines until the last minute and argues that we’re all procrastinators in some way or another. Although Urban’s lecture deals with a consequence of boredom more than the feeling itself, the insight he provides on the subject, in addition to the case he presents for why we should be aware of procrastination’s ability to prevent individuals from achieving many of their greater life goals, makes viewing it more than worthwhile.

AMA Executive Conference Centers are focused on creating environments that will keep your meeting and conference attendees engaged. To learn more about our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, contact us.

Simplify Your Life With These TED Talks

For the average person, life is becoming increasingly complex. Our days are busy, our task lists are full, and prioritization isn’t just a choice, it’s a necessity. Nonetheless, some people have rejected this lifestyle as an inevitability. What if you could simplify your life, accomplish more, and find greater fulfillment? Here are a few of our favorite TED Talks to help you do just that!

A Rich Life With Less Stuff by the Minimalists

These two friends have gained prominence in the past few years for their eschewing of materialism, consumerism, and the traditional life path. Their suggestion? Focus less on material goods, seek out your passion, simplify your life, and find happiness.

As Work Gets More Complex, 6 Rules To Simplify
by Yves Morieux

In Yves Morieux’s discussion of the workplace, he discusses how traditional approaches to solving workplace problems have become too complex. Rather, he favors six rules to increase efficiencies, simplify processes, and improve performance and fulfillment among employees.

Sweat The Small Stuff by Rory Sutherland

Applicable to both professional and personal challenges, this talk takes a humorous approach to problem-solving. Sutherland’s discussion focuses on how big problems can be solved by simple solutions, rather than applying maximum force. The end state is decreased stress, fewer resources required, and better solutions.

All It Takes Is 10 Mindful Minutes by Andy Puddicombe

This talk discusses the power of mindfulness and encourages the execution of the simplest task: doing nothing. Specifically, it encourages the power of 10 minutes of daily meditation to simplify thoughts, improve focus, and slow down.

While these TED Talks are just the tip of the iceberg, it’s a great start towards slowing down and simplifying your life. At AMA Executive Conference Centers, we are passionate about helping employees maximize their time and improve their work-life harmony. For more information about our executive meeting services and conference centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, contact us here.