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Tricks & Treats: 5 Tips for Taking Your Meeting From Spooky To Spectacular

Just because meetings are a part of today’s business world doesn’t mean they have to be spooky. With a little pre-planning, you can take your next meeting from spooky to spectacular by following these 5 helpful tips:

Beware of the Clock

Meetings take a lot of time out of a person’s day. In fact, middle managers spend 35% of their time in meetings and upper management spend as much as 50% of their time in meetings. Conquer this meeting monster by having a clearly set agenda and by starting—and ending—on time.

Bring Participants Out of the Shadows

Statistics show that 1 in 5 people are prone to dozing in meetings. As more and more of us push ourselves while sleep-deprived, sitting through a meeting with a speaker is a recipe for a nap. Engage participants by adding humor and activities. Be sure to have water, coffee, and tea along with healthy snacks. Participants will feel energized and they stand a better chance of remembering what they learned by actively participating rather than just showing up.

Be Alert to Double, Double, Toil, and Trouble

In order for meetings to be productive, it is important to stick to the agenda items. Participants who choose to try to use the time to complain or go off-topic not only prolong the meeting but frustrate other participants. Consider designating a “parking lot” for ideas and concerns to come back to in order to keep the meeting on task.

Sweet Success

Meetings don’t have to be monstrous—they are a great time to collect important team members and to discuss and plan for success. Celebrating recent victories and sharing good news is a sweet way to start—or end—a meeting.

Frightfully Good Follow-Up

You’ve invested time and effort to conduct a meeting with positive results. Following-up with participants regarding key action items and a short meeting synopsis keeps the momentum rolling and communication flowing.

If you’re planning your next meeting for Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, or Washington, D.C., consider the professional setting of AMA Executive Conference Centers. Make your next meeting spectacular! Contact us today for details on how our Centers are uniquely tailored for meetings and conference events.