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5 Best Apps and Programs To Help You Manage Email In 2020

A McKinsey analysis, as quoted in the Harvard Business Review, revealed that emails take up as much as 28% of a professional’s time in the office. Another survey by Adobe puts the figure at 50%, suggesting the reading and reacting to emails could be more time-consuming than we think. However, taking much of a professional’s time in the office isn’t the only problem: emails have a negative impact on one’s attention, emotions and productivity. Here are 5 best email apps to help you avoid these challenges.

Microsoft Outlook

Compatible with both iOS and Android, Outlook helps you to coordinate your emails, contacts, attachments and calendars. This app is most suitable for handling piles of emails, courtesy of its quick swiping controls. Microsoft is constantly updating this email app with new features, such as cloud integration, making it suitable for both businesses and individuals.


Gmail comes preloaded on Android devices, but you can buy it for iOS as well. Considered the most versatile, this email application brings together a host of useful features that include Google Docs, Google Sheets and Google Hangout. These features allow you to access your emails and documents from anywhere. Gmail also lets you create folders, star emails, and tag emails so you can make follow-ups later.


If you are handling high volumes of mails, Dispatch is the way to go. The app lets you sort and organize emails quickly. You can also create standardized responses to help you reply to several emails at once. Dispatch works with 55 other apps, including Fantastical, Evernote, Pocket, Twitter and Chrome, as well as a variety of most Google apps.


Based in Switzerland, this app enjoys Swizz privacy laws. Emails sent or received are protected with end-to-end encryption, so no one can snoop around on them. Proton claims that these encrypted mails can never be shared with third parties. If you are concerned about your privacy and security, consider checking out ProtonMail.


Need an email client with AI? Trove is one of the smartest emails you should consider checking out in 2020. The app studies your behavior and learns which messages you consider important – a swipe will get rid of the rest from your inbox.

For meeting and event planners, reading and organizing emails can be so exhausting, impact negatively on your mood and productivity…and may even reduce your profits. Consider the above apps to stay ahead of the email curve – and click here to connect with us when ready to book your next meeting in Atlanta, New York City, Washington DC or San Francisco!


How to Make Effective Use Of Your Time

Time is the most precious resource we have, but too many distractions threaten to slow down progress and steal time. If you want to make the most effective use of your time, you’ll have to learn how to avoid distractions and maintain momentum.

Identify and Remove Distractions

Covey’s Time Management Grid is a four quadrant grid that divides the things that take up your time based on their urgency and importance.
Click here to view grid: https://www2.usgs.gov/humancapital/documents/TimeManagementGrid.pdf

  • Quadrant 1: Urgent and important (like an approaching deadline or family emergency.)
  • Quadrant 2: Not urgent but important (like a long-term professional or personal goal.)
  • Quadrant 3: Urgent but not important (favors or tasks other people want you to do urgently.)
  • Quadrant 4: Not urgent and not important (like watching television or browsing social media.)

It is ideal to remain in quadrant 2 as much as possible. The more Q3 and Q4 activities you can avoid, the less time you’ll spend scrambling in Q1. Remove unimportant distractions by:

Build and Maintain Your Momentum

One of the best ways to make the most of your time is to not procrastinate in the beginning waiting on perfect circumstances. According to Business Insider, it’s better to get working in the beginning, and worry about quality later. Once you get the ball rolling, it’s important to keep it rolling. A few things you can do to maintain your momentum are:

  • Keep your mind on the task at hand and worry about your long-term strategies later.
  • Split your project into smaller tasks to build momentum and progression.
  • Your mind can wander when you are tired, so be sure to start the day with your biggest tasks.

Keep It Simple

Making things simple is a great way to progress and keep your momentum going. AMA’s Executive Conference Centers have Centers in a variety of cities, and each with flexible meeting configurations uniquely tailored for training sessions, meetings, conferences and more. Click here to contact with us to learn more our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington D.C. and San Francisco.