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Fight Procrastination: Tips for #MeetingProfs

For professionals working in the meeting and events industry, demanding deadlines and challenging client requests are part of the job. Staying on target often means resisting the urge to put things off. Fighting procrastination is crucial in the journey to getting things done.

We all procrastinate from time to time, but it hurts our productivity and holds us back. Here are several proven tips to help you overcome inertia:

1) Be aware of your thoughts. Whether you’re dreading a conversation with a client or simply sick of the monotony of filling out your timesheet, psychologists suggest that negative thoughts might be holding you back more often than we recognize. Be ready to call yourself out for procrastinating by practicing mindfulness.

2) Set time-bound goals for yourself. Most meeting professionals have time-bound goals set by our clients and vendors, but taking this a step further and applying it to each task on your list can provide that extra motivation to check things off.

3) Treat yourself! When you’re really dreading a task, it can be helpful to balance out the negative energy with something positive. For those big, daunting tasks, make crossing the finish line even more appealing by promising yourself the treat of something that you enjoy and look forward to – like a mani or time reading your favorite book or time to enjoy a relaxing soak in the tub.

4) Phone a friend. Introduce accountability by asking someone else (a colleague, a friend, or a family member) to check in with you. Knowing that someone else will be aware of your procrastination is motivating!

5) Finish the big rocks. Sort your to-do list by priority and task size. Always start with the “big rocks” – the most important or most time-consuming tasks, before moving on to the “small rocks.” If you fill up your day with “small rocks,” you’ll never get around to the bigger ones.

For more ways to make meeting planning simple and successful, contact us – we love sharing about our Centers in Atlanta, San Francisco, New York City and the Washington, DC. area.

Top Leadership TED Talks To Listen To During Your Work Commute

TED Talks have given professionals around the world the opportunity to ascertain knowledge from a wide variety of people, all of whom have “ideas worth spreading.” These talks are short, accessible, and offer great insight into a variety of topics, particularly for busy leaders looking to expand their skill set. Here are a few of our favorite leadership TED Talks that are perfect for morning and afternoon commutes!

How Great Leaders Inspire Action by Simon Sinek

In this talk, Sinek discusses the concept of his “Golden Circle” and how purposeful organizations are more successful, inclusive, and inspirational. One of the most well-known TED Talks, this is a great listen for meeting and event professionals, and leaders across all industries.

Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance by Angela Lee Duckworth

This short and enjoyable talk discusses the psychology of success. Specifically, the speaker emphasizes the importance of determination and work ethic – a great reminder for all of us.

The Surprising Ingredient That Makes Businesses Work Better by Marco Alvera

In this TED Talk Marco reminds us of one of the most overlooked aspects of a company’s culture that all leaders must prioritize.

How to Manage for Collective Creativity by Linda Hill

Hill’s talk focuses on the significance of collaboration in innovation, using a number of familiar examples to illustrate her point. This video is a particular favorite as it addresses the importance of collaboration. Collaboration is a critical enabler for leaders in the meeting and events industry, and we strive to encourage it amongst all business professionals.

Is your company looking for answers to collaborative meeting and conference venue needs? AMA Executive Conference Centers has answers. We’re conveniently located in four of the country’s major metropolitan areas, including: Atlanta, New York, San Francisco, and Washington D.C. Each of our Centers offers multiple setup configurations, packages, and amenities to meet unique meeting needs. Whether you need a location for your next board meeting, or you aspire to hold your own ‘TED’ style conference, we have the capability to assist you. Contact us now for more information – we look forward to helping you succeed at one of our facilities!

Tips to Help You Manage Your Remote Team

The internet is such an important and useful tool that many businesses are quickly learning to use it to their full advantage. One thing that has emerged recently is hiring remote workers, or employees who collaborate online with other team members who are in other cities or countries. It allows businesses to hire talent from all around the world, save travel costs, and offer employees a more flexible work schedule. These are our top tips for managing a remote team:

Have A Communication Plan
The most important tip for helping manage your dispersed team members is to make a plan for communicating. Make sure all the team members have clear expectations and a set schedule of how they will interact, such as email, video conferences or through a cloud-based communications platform, like Slack.

Encourage Collaboration With Other Members
Running a remote team can have its benefits, but it can also be difficult to keep track of everyone. One way to help manage a team that’s not based in one central office is to make sure they are collaborating with each other, as much as possible, rather than trying to go off by themselves to complete tasks.

Provide A Solution For Online Chat
As a manager of a remote team, utilize the explosion of chat based technology that’s available to you. Create a chat-room, instant messenger application, or even Facebook private group that all the team members can access at any time. This will help you manage your team by making sure that everyone stays connected and everyone’s ideas are voiced.

Centralize All Work With A Project Management System
A project management system, like Asana, helps organize important documents, timelines and project information that needs to be dispersed across all team members. This type of system will allow you and your team the ability to keep all important information together and organized. It can also be a location for storing and sharing files in an online area that’s secure.

Make Meeting In Person A Priority
When possible, make meeting periodically in person with your team a priority. Face to face, in person meetings as a team can be a great way for them to bond and connect personally – which projects will often reap the benefits from!

The next time you and your remote team come together in person consider meeting at one of AMA’s Executive Conference Centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco or Washington D.C. Perfect locations for team retreats, project meetings, and more – for details on our convenient meeting spaces click to connect with us.

Making The Task of Decision-Making Easier

As soon as we’re old enough to understand what options are, we’re faced with the tasks of making decisions. Whether the decision is what flavor ice cream to pick or what major to choose in college, at any age decisions can seem like the most daunting exercise. Here are three education areas that can help you to make the task of decision-making easier:

#1: Make Hard Choices

Making decisions can be very difficult because we always want to make the “better” decision. Ruth Chang, a philosopher, shares in her TED Talk why there is no “better” option when making a decision. She goes on to explain why both choices are on a level playing fields and how this can help you choose what you truly want inside.

#2: Three Lessons on Decision-Making

Have you ever daydreamed about being the best poker player in the world? Turns out, decisions made by the best involve a lot more work than people-reading and bluffing. World Champion poker player Liv Boeree explains that there are 3 things she’s learned about decision-making. She states that the lessons include luck, quantification, and intuition – and these three factors can be used to make decisions in our daily life. Luck and intuition can play a major role in what outcome each decision brings, and quantification is crucial to estimating the odds of something good or bad happening.

#3: Think Like a Computer

Computers always know what to do and they have no understanding of how hard it can be to make a decision. That’s because computers were made to generate the best decision based on numbers and formulas. Humans don’t do that. Tom Griffiths, a psychologist and cognitive scientist, share in his TED Talk that the ways to make better decisions are by thinking like a computer.


Meet Barbara Davis From Our AMA Atlanta Executive Conference Center

We’re excited to shine the spotlight on a team member from the AMA Executive Conference Center in Atlanta. BARBARA DAVIS is the Assistant Manager for our AMA Center that anchors conference and meeting activities in the South. We were thrilled to have the opportunity to chat with Barbara and learn more about all that she does. Enjoy getting to know more about this “Papple!” (You’ll have to read the interview to find out what that means…!)

AMA:  Thanks for taking some time to chat with us today! Tell us a little bit about your beginnings.

BARBARA:  I was born in the Bedford Stuyvesant Community in the Borough of Brooklyn, New York. Today, I call home the Southwest community of Atlanta, Georgia.

AMA:  As the Assistant Manager for the AMA Executive Conference Center in Atlanta, what is your day-to-day like?

BARBARA:  My primary focus has been supporting the client experience. I function in many capacities and do whatever it takes to get the job done well. June will be eighteen years in this role and I still enjoy and love the work I do. There are few routine days, and I enjoy the difference each day makes. I have an opportunity to meet and talk with people from all over the world. For a curious person like me, I find what I do and the people I get a chance to meet, talk with and ultimately support to be very interesting. The great news is that I have the support of a team who also embraces extending “enlightened hospitality.” We all believe in an excellent customer experience at the AMA Atlanta Executive Conference Center.

AMA:  Eighteen years, congratulations! Before AMA, did you have a different type of career?

BARBARA:  I’ve had many career paths; however, I believe they all led me to where I am today. I have worked in radio, entertainment, advertising, travel, human resources, and food/hospitality. My last career adventure prior to joining the American Management Association, was sole proprietor of a boutique catering company that I started in 1993. My clients were primarily corporate accounts. One year, I was honored to be selected as the Executive Chef for The Alliance Theatre, one of Atlanta’s premiere theatre companies.

AMA:  Sounds like you’ve always had a calling for hospitality. When did you know that working in the meetings and conference industry was what you wanted to do?

BARBARA:  After deciding to relinquish my catering company, I believed my talents could be used best in an environment where my communications, logistics and event management skills would be embraced. I was not sure what industry outside of hospitality would be the fit for me, but when I learned about the American Management Association my curiosity radar was sparked. I believe learning and expanding one’s mind continues the growth of all living beings. AMA provides this through our continuing education seminars to business professionals. I believe that I launched into the best of two worlds that I love…education and events management.

AMA:  What do you like best about what you do at AMA?

BARBARA: I look at what I do as “pre, during and post” planning activities; similar to the catering business I operated for several years. The “pre” is securing and staging the business. The “during” is executing the business. And the “post” is finalizing the exchange of the business. I enjoy the “pre and during” most, as this in my opinion is what determines if a customer has an AMAzing experience and will return with more business.

AMA:  What’s new and exciting in the near future for you?

BARBARA: I believe children are the gift that keeps on giving. I am a better human being, worker among workers, woman and mother because of my son. My son, the love of my life, turned one when I started at the American Management Association 18 years ago. He leaves Atlanta in two weeks to start his career path in the visual arts in New York City. I find it pretty awesome that my son Prince will be starting his journey where I started mine several decades ago. A small little acorn tree that grew in Brooklyn and blossomed in Atlanta. I like to say that I am a ‘Papple’…a peach and an apple!

AMA:  What do you like best about being an Atlanta resident?

BARBARA:  One of Atlanta’s themes is the “City in the Forest.” I absolutely love natural environments and especially trees. The Atlanta area has maintained the beauty of the forest as it continues to design a first-class cityscape.  And for me this is the best of both worlds… a little bit of city and little bit of country!

From Buzzword to Priority Goal: We’re Tackling Productivity

While productivity is currently a popular buzzword, it’s also a goal many of us strive towards. Unfortunately, we don’t often know exactly how to achieve it. It’s a challenging concept to grasp because productivity is different for every role in every industry. It’s also hard to measure: some people work at a frantic pace but aren’t actually very productive, while others appear slow on the surface but make the most of their time.

If you’re as fascinated with this topic as we are then you’ll enjoy a few of our favorite TED Talks that will get you thinking about productivity and how to improve your own!

Too Many Rules Hamper Productivity

In this engaging talk, researcher Yves Morieux discusses how having too many rules and structures in the workplace can hold people back from being productive, and how important collaboration is to productivity.

Get More Sleep

Media mogul Arianna Huffington shares an obvious-sounding but often-ignored secret to productivity: get more sleep. This simple step toward better health and mental alertness can increase your productivity, yet people often brag about how little sleep they get.


In this entertaining lecture, psychologist Shawn Anchor emphasizes the importance of happiness on productivity. Rather than working hard and waiting for that to make you happy, he suggests finding happiness first to make it easier to work hard.

Respect Your Coworkers

Productivity doesn’t just come from within yourself. In most roles, you depend on coworkers and partners to make things happen. Leadership researcher Christine Porath discusses the importance of treating coworkers with respect so that both you and your company can succeed.

As a meeting or events professional, productivity is extremely important, but you can sometimes feel bogged down by the complex challenges of your work. Keep these inspiration talks in mind as you search for ways to unlock your own productivity, and you may just find yourself feeling smarter, happier, and more successful in your role!

TED Talks on Success for Meeting and Event Professionals

Success can mean different things to different people. What remains the same is the desire for success as a meeting and event professional.  Let these three TED talks inspire and encourage you to greater heights in your profession!

Embrace The Near Win

Success is a journey. It does not happen overnight. What we can do is recognize the adventure for what it is and enjoy it. Sarah Lewis, an art historian and critic, explains how the almost failure and the near win can be just as important in our lives as the successes. This TED talk will inspire you to celebrate and embrace the near wins in your life.

The Difference Between Winning and Succeeding

Coach John Wooden led his team at UCLA to record wins in the world of basketball. He opens up in this TED talk about many things regarding winning, succeeding and the profound difference. Coach shares his father’s wisdom regarding success with us, as well as how he encouraged and inspired his players to monumental accomplishments. You’ll also enjoy the moments he quotes poetry. Coach John Wooden will deeply inspire you to embrace success, not just the win.

8 Secrets of Success

This power-packed,  three minute clip, brought to you by Richard St. John, will change your life forever. In under four minutes, Richard St. John an analyst and author, manages to explain in plain language (with humor) the 8 key points to success. He condensed his two hour, high school presentation down to a precise and power-filled slideshow. One that anyone, of any age and occupation, can implement immediately. This is a must-watch for everyone! He effectively breaks down the basic keys to success in life. They’re easy to follow, easy to understand and will change your outlook and aid in your success.

Success is desirable in all professions. These TED talks will encourage the event professional or meeting specialist to seek greater heights and bigger accomplishments. They will inspire you to learn, reflect and grow in your profession.

AMA Executive Conference Centers are focused on creating environments that will help your meeting and conference goals to be achieved. To learn more about our Centers in Atlanta, New York, Washington DC and San Francisco, click here to contact us.

Top 4 TED Talks on Collaboration for the Meeting & Event Professionals

There is strength in numbers. Amazing things happen when we work together and this is especially true with meeting and event professionals. The following TED Talks are some of the best conversations on the topic of collaboration – enjoy!

How to Manage for Collective Creativity

Linda Hill, the co-author of “Collective Genius” and a Harvard professor, discusses the tactics used by very successful companies in this TED talk on collaboration. She  opens up about her research into how these businesses tapped their own resources to benefit the most from collaboration and everyone’s input, not just the designated creative ones of the company.

What Happened When I Open-Sourced My Brain Cancer

This TED talk really spotlights the power of collaboration. When faced with a very difficult medical situation, Salvatore Iaconesi made the decision not to stand by and watch. He would not allow himself to be passive, but instead turned to the world and the power of people to overcome a dismal diagnosis.

The Case For Collaborative Consumption

A recognized expert and researcher of collaborative behaviors and trust-mechanics, Rachel Botsman explains that humans are wired to share. The way we live, work and play are changing. These once crazy ideas of sharing and collaborating are now gaining momentum. Enjoy watching Rachel’s TED talk on technology-enabled collaboration and their effect on us.

A Conservative’s Plea: Let’s Work Together

This TED talk discusses ways we can make a difference in a segregated world. It goes into detail on what each of us can do individually to make an impact together. Arthur Brooks breaks down the walls between liberals and conservatives. He shares his ideas that will stop the battle of the sides and usher in the collaboration. Arthur Brooks is the President of the American Enterprise Institute, and an active social scientist.

Meeting planners and professionals have the opportunity to work collaboratively each day. This includes working alongside other professionals as they are planning a big meeting or brainstorming with their own clients. These TED talks share incredible ideas on how to improve this partnership and how to tap this underrated resource. Remember: there is strength in numbers!

Managing Team Members With Bad Attitudes

Working with a team has many benefits: different team members bring new ideas to the table, brainstorming together can lead to creative problem-solving, and work moves forward even if one team member is unavailable. But inevitably you’ll end up on a team with someone who brings a bad attitude to the table.

Maybe your problem team member takes credit for all of the team’s work. They might refuse to listen to others’ ideas, belittle other people on the team, or walk away in a huff every time there’s a disagreement. Whatever kind of bad attitude they have, it can bring down the whole team and drain everyone else’s motivation.

What can you do when one member of a team threatens to get in the way of everyone’s hard work? Here are a few tips on how to manage a team member with a bad attitude:


It might seem counterintuitive (you definitely don’t agree with this person!) but expressing some empathy for their point of view might change your problem colleague’s outlook. For example, if they shoot down someone else’s idea, you can say, “You’re really worried that this idea won’t work. What do you suggest instead?” When someone feels like they’re being listened to, they might be more likely to listen to others.

Set Expectations

Rather than single out the one team member with a bad attitude (which can just make them feel hurt and resentful), get the whole team talking about expectations and ideal behavior when working together. Make a list at the beginning of every project; expectations could include things like “we listen to everyone’s ideas” or “we wait until a person is done before talking.”

Find Their Strength

Some people just aren’t cut out for teamwork. You can try to force your colleague into having a better attitude, but at some point, it might make more sense to let them do their own thing. Depending on their specific talents, you could assign them some important research or ask them to draft the team’s final report.

You might have a difficult team member but finding the right venue for your next executive meeting doesn’t have to be difficult. To book meetings, conferences, and other corporate events  contact AMA Conference Centers today.

Four of the Top TED Talks About CrowdSourcing

When it comes to crowdsourcing, you probably want to know more. With how interactive the world is, what with the internet and other communication devices, crowdsourcing has become easier than ever. Crowdsourcing is one of the best ways to strengthen your mission, by pulling in new voices and ideas, by creating a space in which others can challenge your work and fortify it. But there’s a way to do it correctly, and there’s so much more that we can learn about it. In order to help meeting professionals better understand the concept and benefits, we’ve put together a few of the top TED Talks addressing the subject.

What Humans Can Learn From Semi-Intelligent Slime by Heather Barnett
Can we, as humans, learn from semi-intelligent slime mold? Heather Barnett speaks on the subject, inspired by the design and organization of the slime systems, to tell us how we can better communicate and create with others.

The Birth of Wikipedia by Jimmy Wales
With Wikipedia being considered a “godfather of crowdsourcing” it’s a perfect example of how to build a proper crowdsourced outcome from a common goal. While it sounds chaotic, Wikipedia works, and Wales explains just how that can be.

Open-Source Cancer Research by Jay Bradner
An example of crowdsourcing at its best, this Talk about a medical firm opening up its research among their peers shows just how much can be gained from accessing the crowd. Bradner speaks about the positives of having more sources to turn to, and more ideas that come from it, when using crowdsourcing in the medical field.

A Virtual Choir 2,000 Voices Strong by Eric Whitacre
A more musical example, Eric Whitacre performs a piece of music with a choir made up of 2,000 people that have never met each other, or even sung in the same room. Using media platforms as his crowdsourcing base, he creates a massive choral piece that sounds amazing, and makes a point on how connected the people of the world really are.

If you’re in need of a venue for your meetings, or would like a venue for your crowdsourced conferences, then AMA Executive Conference Centers is there for you. Please, feel free to contact us to inquire about our centers in Atlanta, New York City, San Francisco and Washington DC, and we will help you have the perfect space from which to expand your business.