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Tips for Building Better Relationships With Your Co-Workers

In business as in life, it’s impossible to make it alone. This is even truer if you frequently work on team projects or team coordinated meetings and events. Having good relationships with others ultimately makes you happier, more productive, and can help you get ahead in your career. Use these simple (yet effective) tips below to improve your interpersonal relationships and get along better with your coworkers!

Be Friendly and Courteous

When trying to improve your office relationships, start with the simple steps. Say hello or smile at others when you walk down the hallway. Simple exchanges like these can show your coworkers that you are a warm and kind person, which is the ideal foundation to build a friendship on.

Learn to Communicate Effectively

There are two parts to effective communication: sharing your thoughts clearly and respectfully and listening actively. When talking to someone else, try to be polite, get your point across succinctly, and, most importantly, think about what you’re going to say before you open your mouth. Practice active listening techniques like being attentive, asking open-ended questions, and staying engaged in the conversation.

Show Gratitude

Another way to strengthen your relationships with your other coworkers is by showing your gratitude. If someone helps you, no matter how large or small the task, show your appreciation for them and their work. Say ‘thank you’ and compliment the people you work with when they do a good job.

Stay Away From Gossip

Though gossiping about other coworkers can be a fast way to connect with others, it will only hurt your relationships in the long term. Instead of gossiping about someone in the group, speak to them directly about the problem you are experiencing. Talking about the issue behind their back will only make the problem worse and will make you look less trustworthy. Confront your issues kindly and openly so you and your coworkers can all move forward and improve.

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